Six Charles C. Mann Books

Find a summary of all six books written by Charles C. Mann. He is a journalist and an award winning author. 

The two books you might recognize are 1491: new Revelations on the Americas Before Columbus and 1493: Uncover the New World Columbus Created.

He's also co-authored a few books and is a contributing editor to Wired, Science, and The Atlantic Monthly.

Books by Author Charles C. Mann

1. Noah’s Choice: The Future of Endangered Species

Noah’s Choice: The Future of Endangered Species

Written by: Charles C. Mann and Mark L. Plummer

Published: 1995

Pages: 302

In this book, Mann poses some tough questions about the future of endangered species. What will happen when we face down the reality of climate change? How can humanity make the best decisions for endangered animals and our survival? Mann tackles these difficult questions with his trademark blend of scientific research and storytelling flair, making for a compelling and eye-opening read.

As he observes, balancing economic interests with conservation goals is not always easy, but he argues that we cannot afford to give up on endangered species. They are an essential part of our natural heritage and our ecosystem. His take on the positives vs. the negatives of the Endangered Species Act is incredibly informative. If you're looking for a thoughtful examination of one of the most pressing issues of our time, be sure to check out Noah's Choice. Note that since this book was written in the early 1990s, some of the science and information may be outdated.

2. @ Large: The Strange Case of the World's Biggest Internet Invasion

@ Large: The Strange Case of the World's Biggest Internet Invasion

Written by: Charles C Mann and Mark L. Plummer

Published: 1997

Pages: 315

In this exciting non-fiction thriller, a relatively inexperienced hacker breaks into computer networks around the country. By using relatively simple programs, he could duplicate the passwords and gain access to almost all of their records. And by their records, we mean your records depending on what you were doing on the web.

Because the FBI and the US Secret Service were just starting up a cybercrime unit, they were ill-prepared for an event such as this. The book is interesting because you get to see how the hacker works, how the government responded, and what happened when the hacker was finally caught.

We enjoyed how even though this could be a very confusing topic for people who don't work with computers, it is written so that anyone can understand it. Given how easy it was to gain access to so much information, this book could give a somewhat dystopic view of the future. However, it is an essential read since this happened so long ago but is entirely relevant today.

3. 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

Published: 2005

Pages: 465

This is a comprehensive and fascinating look at the history of the Western Hemisphere before Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492. Delving deep into archeological evidence and first-person accounts, Mann paints a detailed picture of the many civilizations in the Americas before European contact.

This meticulously researched and thought-provoking work sheds light on several overlooked aspects of pre-Columbian life in the Western Hemisphere. From the advanced irrigation systems of the Maya to the incredibly diverse animal populations in the Amazon rainforest, Mann's revelations are sure to change the way we see history. It also exposes that the arrival of Columbus and his crew marked the beginning of centuries of exploitation and tragedy for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas.

The book is sure to overturn many long-held misconceptions about pre-Columbian America and is essential reading for anyone interested in this fascinating period of history.

4. 1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created

1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created

Published: 2011

Pages: 557

When people think of Columbus, they think mainly about his "finding" the Americas. However, there is so much more to explore about how his arrival affected the world. In what has become called the "Columbian Exchange," many parts of the world were connected, unlike previous times. Therefore, we now have food and animals living in distinct areas and never had any connection before.

It examines how diseases have traveled over the continents and caused so much destruction. It also investigates slavery and how it has affected society by moving people across continents without regard for their health or safety.

Mann believes that this might have been the starting of the globalization of the world since so many disparate people began trading and meeting with each other. This includes the Americas, Asia, Europe, and any countries or islands between them. This is an incredibly well-researched and unbiased view of what has occurred since his arrival and how it still affects us each day.

5. Wizard and the Prophet: Two Remarkable Scientists and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow's World

Wizard and the Prophet

Published: 2018

Pages: 640

In his new book, Wizard and the Prophet: Two Remarkable Scientists and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow's World, Charles C. Mann tells the intertwined stories of Norman Borlaug and William Vogt - who played a decisive role in shaping our understanding of the world around us.

In one corner is Borlaug, the wizard, whose work on wheat breeding led to the Green Revolution and saved millions of lives by breeding almost disease-resistant wheat. He believed that everyone should be easily fed and that having massive amounts of food would achieve that. However, this has also impacted our environment in ways that would have been unimaginable for better and for worse.

In the other corner is Vogt, the prophet, whose warnings about overpopulation and scarce resources went unheeded but are now more relevant than ever. He believed that humanity should live in harmony with nature, go back to being more pastoral, and work on a smaller scale. He believed that if we continued to grow more and more crops to feed more and more people, it would cause overpopulation and the planet's destruction.

Mann's compelling account shows how these two giants wrestled with each other to define our understanding of ecology and human progress. No matter your belief on the environment, overpopulation, and how the world should keep evolving, you will question them after reading this fantastic book.

6. The Aspirin Wars: Money, Medicine and 100 Years of Rampant Competition

The Asprin Wars

Published With: Mark L. Plummer

Published: 1991

Pages: 432

Most of us don't think much about aspirin and it's impact on our every day lives. However, it's the biggest selling drug of all time which has lead to billions of dollars of corporate profit.

Given that aspirin is not that different from brand to brand, some of these companies have gone to extremes to become the most used brand on the market. 

The Aspirin Wars is a books not only about the drug itself, but about the capitalism that surrounds it.